Industrial areas for advanced characterisation

Hanna  Leemreize

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Industrial areas for advanced characterisation

At the Danish Technological Institute, we can help with advanced characterization within a range of areas.

Below, you can get an overview of the industrial areas we cover.

PlastkuglerAdvanced characterization tools for analysis of plastic products and polymers

Advanced characterization tools can help understand plastic from cracks and fractures in finished products down to individual polymer chains. It can also support quality control in all areas of the plastic industry.
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KuglelejerAdvanced non-destructive characterization of metal components

Advanced characterization is conducted on metal components, including visualizing crack formation, porosity, and propagation under loading and temperature conditions, as well as measurement of residual stress.
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KageAdvanced characterization of food and ingredients

We are what we eat. Therefore, it is beneficial to know our food in as much detail as possible. Some properties are difficult to measure with conventional techniques, and that is where we can help you provide a solution by advanced characterisation using synchrotron X-rays or neutrons.
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Power-to-XAdvanced characterization of green energy solutions

Advanced characterization techniques for enabling a deeper understanding of materials and processes in green energy solutions, such as PtX technologies, batteries, wind turbines, and solar cells, leading to improved efficiency and optimization.
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Advanced kompositcharacterization of composite materials

Advanced characterization of composite materials, including visualization of porosities, interface analysis, fiber distribution and in-situ characterization techniques available at the Danish Technological Institute.
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Facade af husAdvanced characterization of building materials

It is possible to understand the functioning of building materials and the causes of potential failures through advanced characterization of the materials' internal structure and composition. The Danish Technological Institute offers customer-specific characterization of a wide range of materials, including concrete, asphalt, steel, wood, and other building materials.
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MedicinNeutron and X-ray services in pharma

We enable material insights down to the atomic scale, crucial for therapeutic design and manufacturing optimization. No more guessing - our team will provide you an empirical way to understand structure-property relationships by using small-angle scattering (coupled with Rheology or Contrast variation methods), diffraction, imaging, spectroscopy, element composition or x-ray chemical mapping.
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