Utilisation of By-Products
By-products constitute a large share of the animal. When you buy a pig, you pay a price for the entire animal. The best performing companies are distinguished by their ability to increase value of the by-products and reduce the operational costs.
The typical improvement points in by-product utilization are:
- Managemental focus on by-products
- Logistics resulting in higher productivity
- Handling and chilling resulting in higher value products and longer shelf life
- Storage facilities
- Access to knowledge for alternative use of by-products
- Reduced use of water and energy
A potential economic benefit from alternative utilization of by-products depends on several factors:
- Local customers/production based on by-products
- Market parameters (product prices, quantities and quality requirements)
- Market access (export)
The service offered by DTI consists of a Production Analysis of the existing production, identification of areas to be improved and a proposed plan of action to realize the potential.
The output from the Production Analysis:
- Present utilization of by-products
- Proposals for alternative usage
- Productivity
- Logistics and handling
- Quality of products
- Savings of energy and water
- Identification and recommendation of areas to be improved – Project Catalogue
Following the Production Analysis, the next step will be to implement the most profitable projects identified.
DTI offer our consultancy services concerning these improvements:
- Designs and specifications
- Plan for successive implementation