The High Tech Concrete Laboratory - The High Tech Concrete Laboratory at DTI

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The High Tech Concrete Laboratory - The High Tech Concrete Laboratory at DTI

The High Tech Concrete Laboratory forms the heart of the project Unique Concrete Structures. The equipment of the laboratory includes a digitally controlled robot cell and a full-scale fully automatic concrete mixing station, which will be used for various testing during the project period.

The initiative in establishing the High Tech Concrete Laboratory in 2007 was taken due to the fact that the building industry for many years has been lagging behind other industries as for using new technologies and industrializing different building processes, which are still based on manual labour. The level of automatization in the building industry is very low, and as regards eg the activities at a building site and in a concrete element factory – most procedures are still done manually, and especially the production of elements is still carried out in the same way as 50 years ago.

Det højteknologiske betonværksted - set udefra, ved aftentid.