The GHG Protocol for Food Products

Asger Munch Smidt-Jensen

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GHG protokol

The GHG Protocol for Food Products

Reduce the carbon footprint at the corporate level with mapping in accordance with the GHG Protocol

The increased focus on green transition from society, customers, and legislation is prompting many organizations to look at their carbon footprint at the corporate level rather than just the product level.

The increased focus on concepts like the GHG Protocol, Greenhouse Gas Protocol, greenhouse gas emissions protocol, Science-based targets, etc., all stem from the same directive, which in the EU aims to ensure that all CO2 emissions - both from companies themselves and their respective value chains - are reported comprehensively and comparably.


CO2 mapping at the corporate level

At Danish Technological Institute, we actively assist in reducing the carbon footprint of food companies through CO2 mapping. This is carried out at the corporate level in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol.

Procedure for mapping:

  1. Review of your company to collect data
  2. Translation of data into climate impact in CO2 equivalents
  3. Baseline or updated carbon footprint
  4. Reporting in accordance with the GHG Protocol


The result of this mapping will provide insight into your company's carbon footprint

  • An overview of the carbon footprint for your company
  • Baseline for reporting or commitment to Science-Based Targets
  • Hotspot analysis to prioritize reduction measures

An analysis like this will better equip you to meet future demands from customers, regulators, and society to document your company's carbon footprint. Additionally, the analysis will provide concrete tools for your ongoing efforts to reduce your carbon footprint.

Asger Munch Smidt-Jensen, LCA specialist at Danish Technological Institute



Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the GHG Protocol?

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol is a framework for systematically assessing and reporting greenhouse gas emissions based on the life cycle analysis method. There are versions for both product-level and organizational-level assessments. It is one of the most widely used standards in the field, and it is also where the categorization into Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions originates from.

What does GHG stand for?

GHG stands for "Greenhouse Gas" - as in the Greenhouse Gas protocol.

What are Scope 1, 2, and 3?

Scope 1, 2, and 3 are a useful classification of different sources of carbon emissions. It originates from the GHG protocol.
Scope 1 covers direct emissions such as burning of coal and oil and transportation in a company's own vehicles.
Scope 2 covers emissions associated with the purchase of energy sources, which are not emitted directly by the company itself but are directly related to the company's level of activity.
Scope 3 includes other indirect emissions – for example, emissions from a company's suppliers.