Proficiency testing
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Do you want to ensure that the measurements of your laboratory are comparable to the measurements of other European laboratories? Get documentation through a proficiency test.
For most laboratory employees it is crucial to know their equipment’s capability to measure correctly. For many years, Danish Technological Institute (DTI) has arranged international proficiency tests where the participating laboratories obtain information about the comparability of their measurements with those made by other European laboratories. Our profound experience and expertise in this field make us a professional and objective collaborator for your laboratory.
How a proficiency test is conducted
When conducting a proficiency test – or a “round robin test” – DTI sends a calibrated measuring instrument to the participating laboratories. Each laboratory calibrates the instrument with its own equipment and according to its own method and provides DTI with the results. DTI analyses the results and prepares a report for the participants. The report shows to what extent the utilised method is comparable to the methods used by the other participating European laboratories. In other words, the proficiency test serves as a blind test showing each laboratory’s ability to measure correctly.
Documentation of the laboratory’s calibration method
A proficiency test is a very efficient and time-saving tool when documenting your laboratory’s utilised calibration method and estimated uncertainty of measurement.
An easy way to meet the requirements of ISO 17025 7.2.2.
Participating in a proficiency test is the easiest way to meet the requirements of ISO 17025 7.2.2. In this way, the participating laboratories get a validation of their method, their uncertainty budget and the traceability of their measurements.
DTI’s proficiency tests are accredited by DANAK according to EN ISO/IEC 17043 (DANAK reg. No. 512). This is obligatory in many countries, if the proficiency test report is to be used for accreditation. Find detailed specifications of calibration services and uncertainties on www.danak.dk registration no. 512 and 200 for detailed specifications of the calibration services and uncertainties.