Force and torque
As part of the quality control, reliable measurements of force and torque are often required in order to provide documentation that a product meets the requirements for safety and function.
Concerning material testing, measurement of tensile and compressive forces are often essential issues.
For the wind power and the car industry measurement of torque is crucial.
To ensure that the measurements are performed with sufficient accuracy and to be able to document the reliability of the measurements, the measuring equipment must be calibrated regularly by comparing the apparatus with a reference standard including a certain uncertainty.
DTI’s force laboratory offers accredited calibration of force transducers and material testing machines in the range 1 N - 600 kN for tensile forces and 1 N - 5 MN for compressive forces.
For forces up to 1.3 kN the laboratory uses dead weight as a reference. For larger forces we use force transducers traceable to internationally recognized metrology institutes.
The torque laboratory offers accredited calibration of torque transducers in the range 0.2 - 1100 Nm and torque wrenches in the range 1 - 1100 Nm.
As reference, the laboratory uses torque transducers traceable to internationally recognized metrology institutes.
We offer a wide range of courses tailored to the client’s individual needs, and we are a valued partner in development projects. We also provide consulting assignments in metrology such as calculation of measurement uncertainty.
We regularly invite industries and laboratories to participate in accredited intercomparisons, see proficiency testing.