![Billedet viser hånden på en person, som er ved at lægge nogle testpakker ind i et kølemøbel.](/_/media/57728&w=1460&h=808&r=cover&_filename=57728_0017731 (1) - display cabinet.jpg)
Energy Efficiency Laboratory
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Our Energy Efficiency Laboratory comprises three climate chambers which enable us to carry out tests in controlled environments with temperatures ranging from -20 °C to 50 °C (-4 to 122 F) and a relative humidity up to 100 %. Thus, we are able to create different settings and test under realistic conditions similar to the actual conditions of a given product.
Accredited test laboratory
Our laboratory is accredited by both ILAC, the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation, and DANAK, the Danish Accreditation and Metrology Fund (ISO/IEC 17025), to carry out tests according to internationally recognized accreditation standards.
We are accredited to test professional and commercial refrigerator and freezer appliances as well as electrical and electronic household and office equipment according to the following standards:
- EN/ISO 23953
- EN/ISO 62552
- EN 50564
We are also accredited by WHO to test vaccine storage units and transportation boxes according to the following PQS methods:
- E03 - Refrigerators and freezers for vaccine storage and freezing water-packs
- E004 - Insulated containers, cold boxes and vaccine carriers
- E005 - Water-packs; ice-packs, cool-packs and warm-packs
You can read more about the testing according to these standards in the menu at the top of the page.
In addition, we also carry out other types of laboratory testing, e.g. testing of vending machines according to the following standard:
How can Danish Technological Institute help you?
- Accredited testing of professional and commercial refrigerator and freezer appliances
- Accredited testing of electrical and electronic household and office equipment
- Accredited testing of vaccine storage units and transportation boxes according to WHO PQS methods
- Testing of vending machines according to EVA-EMP
- Thermodynamic simulations
- Prototyping
- Consultancy on product optimization and development
- Consultancy on current requirements and regulations
- Energy optimization
Please contact us for further information about these services and other related enquiries.
Refrigeration and Heat Pump Laboratory
The Energy Efficiency Laboratory is a part of our state-of-the-art Refrigeration and Heat Pump Laboratory which also comprises three other laboratories:
Our laboratories play a significant role in developing new design and technology and we cover all phases from development and construction to the final product.Our professional foundation is among others our expert competencies in refrigeration and heat pump technology and solar energy as well as a wide range of engineering disciplines including fluid dynamics, CFD calculations, heat transfer, turbo machinery, PV systems, energy optimization etc. Moreover, our specialists have in-depth knowledge about EU legislation on ecodesign and energy labelling requirements as well as Energy Star requirements.
We cooperate with e.g. authorities, manufacturers and importers and we participate in R&D projects aiming at improving technology, designs and products. If you have an idea for a R&D project or want to participate in one, please contact us for further information.
GLEEB is a subsidy scheme funded by the Danish Energy Agency. Here, you can read how you can gain subsidies in terms of discounts when carrying out tasks related to GLEEB.