Testing of plastics and elastomers

Frederik R Steenstrup

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Testing of plastics and elastomers

Mechanical testing and characterisation

The Centre for Plastics and Packaging Technology offers a wide spectrum of testing for characterisation of the properties of polymers. Testing is carried out under national and international standards.

Our laboratory is accredited by the Danish Accreditation and Metrology Fund - DANAK to carry out technical testing of plastics, elastomers, cell and composite materials and plastic pipes and piping systems.

  DANAK Logo


Testing is carried out as part of failure analysis, product development, product approval, and documentation.

How can the Danish Technological Institute help you?

Examples of the tests we offer are listed below:

  • Mechanical properties, including short and long term properties regarding stress, strain, E-modulus, bending strength, and impact resistance
  • Thermal properties, including softening temperature and  dimensional stability
  • UV resistance, where the material’s tolerance to various weather conditions is tested by means of accelerated laboratory testing, such as WeatherOmeter test and QUV test
  • Physical testing, including wear resistance, friction properties etc
  • Physical testing of pipes and fittings, including resistance to internal pressure, tightness of fittings, strain, impact resistance etc
  • Testing of medical devices, including sterile barrier systems, primary wound dressings, detection of seal leaks, etc