Management of Microbiology - Biocorrosion, Monitoring and Mitigation

Laura  Tiano

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Management of Microbiology - Biocorrosion, Monitoring and Mitigation

Did you know that Microbiological Influenced Corrosion constitutes 20-50% of corrosion-related failures in process systems?

Preventing integrity failure before it occurs saves the cost of remedial action and lost production. Further, optimized integrity control minimizes environmental and safety risks.  

DTI offer specialized solutions for detecting, monitoring and managing MIC across sectors from oilfield systems to Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS), geothermal energy, offshore wind power and biogas production. 

We offer the best available microbiological monitoring services through state-of-the-art equipment, a comprehensive system assessment and interdisciplinary competencies, spanning from chemistry, microbiology, water management and material science. 

Our Microbiological Monitoring Services include

  • Mapping and risk assessment of bacterial activity 
  • Tailored monitoring programmes 
  • Provision of easy to use sampling kits, which enables easy routine retrieval of high-quality samples (e.g. coupons, probes, solid and fluid samples) that can be shipped world-wide
  • DNA-based testing technologies applied for quick and precise analyses of biocorrosion and souring indicator microorganisms
  • Threat assessment using modelling tools and DTI’s in-house database (MICRA™)
  • Biocide testing 

  • Production chemical testing and interaction 

  • Material investigation and failure assessment  

  • Understanding of microbially induced corrosion (MIC) and risk assessment 

  • Development of new equipment for surveillance 

DTI offers the best available microbiological monitoring services through state-of-the-art equipment, comprehensive system assessment and multidisciplinary competences ranging from chemistry, microbiology (including qPCR and qNGS analyses), water management and materials science.

When it comes to biocorrosion we want to provide you with the best possible integrity assurance solution.

Testkit til korrosion i rør i laboratorium