Heat pumps - HP FAT

Claus Schøn Poulsen

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Heat pumps - HP FAT

On this page, you can download our calculation programme HP FAT (Heat Pump First Assessment Tool). HP FAT is a freeware, based on EES and the related manual. HP FAT is intended to be a helping tool for the first examination of a future heat pump application.

The programme utilizes the fact that there is a theoretical maximum for COP for a set of particular temperatures. This theoretical value is reduced to a realistic expected value, after which you can carry out an estimation of the heating capacity and simple financial key figures.

Fundamentally, the model is based upon Lorez-COP, which is an extended edition of Carnot-COP, where the possibility for utilizing the temparute change in both the cold and warm side of the heat pump is taken into account. Expressed in popular terms, Lorenz-COP is the total COP for a lot of series-connected heat pumps which each has Carnot-COP.

HP FAT - programme and manual


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Do you have any ideas or comments?

We highly appreciate your ideas for how the HP FAT programme can be improved. You can contact us via the contact formula at the right side of the page.


The programme is available as it is and exists without any garantee with regard to the use, practicability or suitability for specific purposes.

Danish Technological Institute cannot guarentee that the information in the programme is correct or exhaustive. Danish Technological Institue can at any time carry out changes in the programme, without incurring a liability.

The use of the programme is on your own responsibility and risk. Danish Technological Institute can under no circumstance be kept responsible for losses, which can be ascribed the use of the programme, including malfunctions or other faults and deficiencies. This limit of responsibility applies to all losses, including lost profit, operation loss, loss of data, programmes etc.

Danish Technological Institute is not responsible for the user's application of the content on this website, including violation of third party rights by using this programme.

It is not allowed to sell the programme on commercial conditions.