DTI is to help the industry introduce AI
The Danish Technological Institute (DTI) is to be the Danish EU spearhead for providing test and experimentation facilities (TEF) to robotics and technology companies that want to introduce artificial intelligence (AI) into production.
The aim is to make the European production apparatus more resilient, sustainable, and digital by exploiting the opportunities within artificial intelligence.
DTI in Odense is part of the large EU initiative AI-MATTERS which will provide the latest in test and experimental facilities to help robotics and technology companies develop technologies and systems that implement AI in production.
Artificial intelligence is considered to have great potential in industry.
Artificial intelligence can, for example, be added to robots in manufacturing companies and used in the optimisation of production equipment using data and algorithms, which can enable companies to create better products, services, and services for their customers - notably through production optimisation and energy and material saving.
New intelligent robot solutions
The aim is - in close cooperation with the European robotics industry and manufacturing industry - to mature new intelligent robot solutions and thus help technology companies to bring their tech closer to market, so that the European manufacturing industry becomes a global leader in the use of AI and robots.
Specifically, the Danish partners in the effort must help technology developers and providers with testing the latest in artificial intelligence and robot technologies that are designed to be useful in manufacturing.
It must help secure the EU a place at the front when it comes to technology.
Broad deployment and use
In the engine room of the initiative – which has been named AI-MATTERS – you will find 25 large research, technology and innovation organisations spread over eight European countries. Together, they must now ensure a broad rollout and use of digital technologies across Europe - especially in the area of advanced production. It is therefore the strongest parties in the field in the EU who must help promote artificial intelligence.
DTI leads the AI-MATTERS initiative in Denmark in collaboration with Odense Robotics, the Alexandra Institute and Force Technology.
- There is a need for new and innovative robot solutions which include artificial intelligence, which we look forward to developing and testing in collaboration with robot and technology companies. With DTI's new advanced equipment, robot and technology companies get the opportunity to come to Odense and test their new technologies and different alternatives that will create concrete use of artificial intelligence in production devices. Locating the AI-MATTERS initiative here in Odense strengthens the existing robot cluster and creates even better development opportunities for robot and technology companies, says Technology Director Kurt Nielsen.
- It is our aim to support the conversion of the Danish and European manufacturing industry to a more sustainable production while at the same time being competitive. A production that can quickly and cost-effectively address changing market needs - and which at the same time supports local production and employment, he adds.
AI-MATTERS is a new initiative of the European Commission which aims to strengthen the uptake of artificial intelligence and robotics in the European manufacturing industry.
With this comes funds of almost DKK 450 million, which will be invested over the next five years. Around DKK 50 million is being invested in the Danish facilities.
The initiative AI-MATTERS (AI in Manufacturing Testing and Experimentation Facilities for European SMEs) is the name of a European effort which will establish a number of test and experiment centres (Test and Experimentation Facilities) throughout Europe from 2023-2027.
The aim is to increase the resilience and flexibility of the European manufacturing sector through the implementation of the latest developments in artificial intelligence and robotics. The initiative has locations in eight different European countries, including Denmark.
In Denmark, the initiative consists of the Technological Institute in collaboration with Odense Robotics, the Alexandra Institute and FORCE Technology.
AI-MATTERS is one of four major testing and experimentation facilities (TEF) funded by Digital Europe, which aims to expand deployment and responsible use of digital technologies. AI-MATTERS is the only one focussing on manufacturing, the other three TEFs cover smart cities, health and agriculture and food.
Read more in the EU's press release here
About DTI
The Danish Technological Institute (DTI) has worked innovatively since 1906 to improve the competitiveness of business, society's prosperity, and people's lives. Over the past 15 years, DTI has positioned itself as one of the leading research and technology centres in robotics and artificial intelligence in Europe.
The institute's robot centre in Odense today has three robot innovation halls spread over 2,800 m2 and employs specialists in areas such as cobots, computer vision, artificial intelligence, mobile robots and drones.
Read more about DTI here