Cobot Lab

Søren Peter Johansen

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Cobot Lab hos Teknologisk Institut

Cobot Lab

The Danish Technological Institute (DTI) can help you with the successful and safe implementation of robots that can work closely with humans.

DTI's Cobot Lab in Odense contains the latest cobot technologies – both collaborative robots and their accessories such as grippers, cameras, sensors and safety components.

We offer tailored knowledge of these technologies so that companies can identify the risks and potential of using cobots on their own cases, and we can impartially advise on which solution(s) will benefit your company most.

In short, we can help exploit the full potential of cobots in industry.

Bespoke, unbiased advice

We offer a company-specific technology development course, which typically starts with identifying the individual company’s automation potential using cobots.  In close collaboration with the customer and based on an independent technology screening, we use our knowledge of similar cases to develop promising concepts.

The company's relevant employees are kept involved and “in the loop”, and in this way their ownership of the solution is ensured and they gain knowledge that the company can use in future investments.

We have an international network of specialists in all aspects of collaborative robotic technology and robot safety – largely through our leadership of the two European projects COVR and Cobot Knowledge Lab, both of which support the deployment and spread of useful collaborative robots.

What can DTI help you with?

  • Cobot pilot: Gain hands-on experience with various collaborative technologies before investing in equipment

  • Technology development course to bring new technologies into use in Danish production companies (including a special focus on safe collaborative solutions)

  • Safety testing your cobot, where we mechanically test the forces that would arise in collisions between robot and human

  • Advice and consultancy in relation to safe design, safety validation, and development of safe components

  • Courses

In the video below, you can see how we have helped the company Cobot Lift to get a handle on the safety of their collaborative robot solution.