Climate envelope and energy

Mads Borregaard Hansen

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Climate envelope and energy

It takes a tight and well insulated internal climate to get a building with a comfortable, even room temperature and a generally healthy indoor climate. Therefore, it is important that the individual components are selected, incorporated and assembled correctly during the production of a climate envelope.

Increased energy consumption, draught nuisances, condensation, mould creation and difficulty finding a pleasant room temperature may be some of the consequences of an inappropriate choice of materials, poor assembled joints, thermal bridges or insufficient air sealing of the building.

Danish Technological Institute has extensive testing and laboratory facilitates which combined with great professional competency and practical experience ensures high-quality task solution.

How can Danish Technological Institute help you?

  • Expert consultancy on energy conditions related to the climate envelope
  • Assessment of condition and damage resolution
  • Accredited laboratory tests
  • On-site test of the climate envelope's energy performance