Biomass boilers and wood stoves - Verification of combustion devices and appliances

Morten Gottlieb Warming-Jespersen

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Biomass boilers and wood stoves - Verification of combustion devices and appliances

DTI offers testing and verification of your products in relation to combustion in order to verify the functionality of your technology. An impartial documentation of your product contributes to a correct description of the functionalities which can be used to market any product correctly.

Benchmarking in relation to other products in the portfolio of your company can also be provided e.g. in relation to improvements that might occur.

We can test and measure on all kinds of devices which are part of any fuel burning appliance – construction components e.g. glass panes, filters, electronic operation, sensors etc. – and of course also entire units.

ETV logoDTI is a part of the EU Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) program. This means that if you apply for an ETV label, DTI can be the test laboratory performing the tests necessary for the documentation of your product quality.