ATEX Certifications (ExNB) - ATEX - Technical file - safe-keeping

Steen  Christensen

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ATEX måler

ATEX Certifications (ExNB) - ATEX - Technical file - safe-keeping

The Danish Technological Institute's Certification & Inspection specialists comprise an impartial and independent entity designated as Notified Body in Denmark (Notified Body – ExNB) also for non-electrical equipment.

This means that Danish Technological Institute is authorized to keep technical files on mechanical equipment according to the requirements in the ATEX directive.

Basically, the technical file must contain the following:

  • Manufacturer’s name and address and information about production sites
  • A description of type and model key, if any
  • ATEX marking
  • Design and manufacturing drawings as well as sketches of components, sub-assemblies, circuits etc. as well as any descriptions and explanations necessary for understanding these drawings and sketches
  • Lists of standards applied in whole or partly
  • Risk assessment with description of selected solutions to comply with the requirements as well as the results of design calculations and studies etc.
  • Any test reports
  • User’s manual
  • Declaration of Conformity (draft)

It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure that the technical file is correct, complete and comply with the requirements in the ATEX directive 2014/34/EU Annex VIII, Article 13, 1b, ii) and that the Declaration of Conformity is correct. Danish Technological Institute will not assess the technical file received.

It is also the responsibility of the manufacturer that the technical file is stored for 10 years after the last manufactured device at an ExNB. If the documentation is submitted in part on a USB key(s), it is the responsibility of the manufacturer that it can be read after the 10 years. It is recommended that 2 sets of USB keys be sent together with a description of the contents of the USB key and possibly the safety details in case the key cannot be read.

(The below information sheet shall be completed and submitted together with the technical file).

”Danish Technological Institute” and ”Notified Body 0396” must appear from the Declaration of Conformity together with the file ID no. given by DTI. The below information sheet shall be attached to the covering letter: