Work package 3: Automation of Production

Jonas Lembcke Andersen

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1.c. automation of production_god invaluable

Work package 3: Automation of Production

The automation of production involves “second generation” automation and monitoring systems, and selected proto-types that can be implemented in pilot-production.

In order to reduce manual labour, innovative technologies will be implemented to achieve a cost-effective production system through improved mechanization and automation, including digitalized visual monitoring of mealworm health.

The development will build on experiences from the on-going project SUSMEAL (ends July 2017),

ensuring that inVALUABLE will deliver ‘second generation’ solutions customized for the insect industry. The objective is to design a cost-effective automated system for rearing mealworms based on data-exchange to integrate an adaptive process control of the system (Industry 4.0). A selection of relevant prototypes (e.g. either for monitoring or handling operations) will be implemented in at least one of the planned pilot production facilities.

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