Work package 1: Bio-production
This package focus on optimizing mealworm production by increasing knowledge of the insects’ reproduction and physiologiy physiology with respect to one of the key production parameters, temperature. Moreover, pilot facilities will be constructed at Danish Technological Institute and Ausumgaard.
Several factors must be investigated to optimize reproduction. This part of the work package is mainly focusing on reproduction of the mealworm species Tenebrio molitor or more commonly referred to as the common mealworm.
Special emphasis will be put on increasing the knowledge on how to boost egg output and reduce variation of size and density in production trays. This will include development of diets for adult beetles that will increase their reproduction as well as development of an assay for the assessment of key parameters (e.g. egg hatchability).
Additionally, optimal production conditions regarding temperature and larvae density will be determined at lab- and pilot-scale, e.g. at the pilot facilities there will be constructed during the project at both Danish Technological Institute and Ausumgaard.
Lead Partner
- Danish Technological Institute WP lead Jonas Lembcke Andersen