Vision Check - Item handling in production

Jacob  Kortbek

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Vision Check - Item handling in production

We have several options to help your company further with challenges regarding the picking and handling of items with a vision-controlled robot.

An example is CAD picking, where a standard, industrial 2D camera is used and advanced vision algorithms use a CAD model to quickly determine the exact location and orientation of items on a flat surface -- or even unstructured in a box (also known as 'bin-picking').

How can DTI help you?

  • Proof of concept: Send us samples of the subjects to be handled. We will demonstrate technologies and solutions in a physical setup with camera and robot and advise you regarding possible solutions.

  • We visit your company to assess the products and processes where visually-guided item management could be relevant. The visit ends with a report on our observations and conclusions, plus advice on possible actions that could be taken.