Do you and your company have ambitions to strengthen the company's growth and competitiveness through investments in digital solutions, automation, or e-commerce? With a subsidy of up to DKK 100,000 for private 1:1 advice, you get help from an expert in the exact area that you need.
SMV:Digital's subsidies are implemented on a first-come, first-served basis and demand tends to be high. You are therefore encouraged to apply as soon as you have a completed application. If you want to prepare for future calls, you can access and fill out an application form for digital conversion.
The Danish Technological Institute has been established as an approved consultant, and we can help you in the areas of 'Digital Conversion' and 'Green Grant Pool'. Contact us to hear more about the possibilities.
Before applying, it may be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the formal requirements for applicants in SMV:Digital.
What you can apply for funding for: You can apply for funding for projects with technological news value for the company, and projects that add significant new knowledge to the company. Projects that deal with general operational optimization, strategy development, sales and marketing, communication, etc., are outside the framework of the subsidy scheme in SMV:Digital. A project can have both the character of potential clarification or implementation. A potential clarification course can be aimed at helping you identify where in your company there is the greatest potential for introducing new technology, which technologies are relevant for you to invest in, and what the business case is about to invest. An implementation process can aim to help you reap the benefits of new technology that you have either invested in within the past year or are purchasing in connection with your implementation project.
Who can apply: SMEs with a Danish VAT number and a turnover of maximum 50 million EUR.
Requirements for co-financing: There is a requirement for your own co-financing, and this can be in the form of cash payment, hours worked or a mix of these. You must co-finance the project with 50%
Read more on SMV:Digital’s website
Below, Brian Jeppesen, member of the SMV:Board and CEO of Mjølner Informatics, tells you what your digital transformation project can be about, and how you can boost your company's development with SMV:Digital.