Smart Energy

Morten Gottlieb Warming-Jespersen

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Smart Grid

Smart Energy

Flexible and intelligent energy system

Denmark has an ambition to be independent of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. This means that in 2050 Denmark must be able to produce enough renewable energy to cover the total Danish energy consumption. Therefore, the energy supply and the transport sector must be converted to renewable energy sources, such as wind, sun, biofuels and geothermal energy.

An electricity production based on fluctuating renewable energy sources such as wind and sun will give an extra strain on our electricity grid. If the same high delivery security is to be offered as previously, much greater interaction between our supply sectors and greater flexibility regarding our energy consumption is necessary.

Calculations from Energinet and Dansk Energi show that there is a gain of 6.1 billion DKK by performing an intelligent / smart conversion rather than a traditional by amplifying our supply network with thicker pipes and cables.

Danish Technological Institute offers advice and testing of intelligent components and systems that play a part in a Smart Energy conversion.

Services from Danish Technological Institute:

  • Certification and type testing of power-consuming appliances and equipment for Smart Energy systems
  • Function test and documentation of batteries, Home Automation and power electronics for operation and regulation
  • Lab testing of integrated systems, eg. solar cells combined with batteries
  • Development and demonstration of integrated energy systems

