Robot technology news, video cases and projects - Projects

Jacob  Kortbek

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Robot technology news, video cases and projects - Projects

DTI is involved in many robotics projects both nationally and internationally. Read about current and completed research and development projects below.


  • AI-MATTERS: DTI is the Danish EU spearhead for providing test and experimentation facilities (TEF) to robotics and technology companies that want to introduce artificial intelligence (AI) into production. Read more
  • CANOPIES: European development project to take a closer look at the collaboration between man and robot in an unstructured, outdoor environment such as grape fields. Learn more
  • DIH-HERO: A European project to accelerate innovation in robotics for healthcare. Read more
  • DIRA: Danish Industrial Robot Association. Go to website
  • EDOcobot: European Digital Innovation Hub which aims to spread the use of collaborative robots in small and medium-sized production and logistics companies. Read more
  • euROBIN: A Network of Excellence that brings together European expertise on Robotics and AI. Read more
  • FIREDRAGON: Developting drone technology to fight Europe's growing forest fires. Read more
  • MADE FAST: Designed to help Danish production companies respond to new customer demands, implement new solutions and increase productivity in a way that is sustainable and effective. Go to website


  • agROBOfood: Connecting robotic technologies with the agrifood sector. Go to website
  • AI DIH Network: An effort to create a European Network of Digital Innovation Hubs with focus on AI. Read more
  • Bladerunner: Development of robot technology that can make complex moulds to shape poured concrete. Read more.
  • Carmen: The project is about reducing set-up times for robot assembly installations, testing its application designs on a novel prototype modular robot cell. Reduced set-up times increases the viability of using robots for mixed-batch production.
  • Cobot Knowledge Lab: Development and test of new tools for company leaders to use for making the right choices when it comes to exploiting the possiblities of collaborative robot technology. Go to website
  • CoCobot: Exploring collaborative construction site robot for assistive logistic tasks. Read more
  • COVR: A pan-European project that exists to significantly increase safety for humans and robots working in shared spaces. Learn more about COVR
  • Hybrid Gripper: The project is about developing a highly flexible yet robust robot hand with easily replaceable and reconfigurable printed fingers. The resulting soft but secure grip versatility will make it useful in many different settings, e.g. the food sector or the caring sector. Read more.
  • INNOSORT: The project focuses on developing technologies that can sort rubbish by chemical composition or shape. Such technologies promote automated recycling, extract hazardous materials and reduce resource waste. Read more.
  • inVALUABLE: The largest innovation project concerning insects as feed and food in Europe to date. Read more
  • LIAA: LIAA will implement a framework that enables humans and robots to truly work together in assembly tasks. This enables more tasks to be automated, increasing productivity and keeping jobs in Europe. Read more.
  • PIRAT: Research project that will develop robot technology tailored for small-scale production, where cobots can be easily instructed in new assembly processes. Learn more
  • Polaris: Creating the next level of indoor wayfinding through a network of autonomous robotic wayfinding assistants. Go to website
  • PRACE: The goal is to enable semi-trained employees to supervise easy-to-program robot systems, resulting in fast and cost-effective automation.
  • R5-COP: The project seeks to combat outsourcing by focusing on adaptability and reusability. Developing modular technologies to be used with mobile robots will make mobile robot systems more flexible. Read more.
  • RAMPup: The aim is to improve European production competitiveness by decreasing the integration effort needed for automating small production lines. A framework and infrastructure for modular industrial automation systems will be developed during the course of the project. Go to website
  • RIMA: Reinforcing the leadership of Europe in inspection and maintenance robotics. Read more
  • Robot CoWorker for Assembly: Co-working allows the senses and intelligence of the human to be complemented by the strength and endurance of the robotic automation. The goal of this project is to develop a Robot CoWorker that can carry out 80 percent of all manufacturing tasks. Read more.
  • ROBOTT-NET: Four RTOs, including DTI, have teamed up to provide free consulting to 64 hand-picked European companies that wish to develop or deploy robot technology in industrial production. The mission is to collect and share knowledge about robot technology and to ensure competitiveness. Go to website
  • RobotUnion: The first European robot accelerator with an aim to discover, support and fund innovative projects in the robotics industry. Read more
  • S3-CAV: Advanced camera sensors to give farmers an easy way to detect deceases in crops and get an indication of the optimal time to start harvesting. Go to website.
  • SafeCOP: The goal is to develop a framework for safe communication between two cooperative technologies. Learn more about SafeCOP
  • SHOP4CF: Building factories of the future. Go to website
  • SMErobotics: The objective was to create cost-effective and intelligent robot solutions for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies to increase their level of competitiveness. The project ended on June 30, 2016. Go to website.
  • SMOOTH: Creating robots for the support of elderly people. Go to website
  • SoCobot: Developing a deeper integration between robots and artificial intelligence to enable robots to interpret facial expressions and human behaviour. Learn more
  • StaldTek: The goal is to develop a surveillance system to be used during farrowing and a vision system that can guide autonomous sty-cleaning robots. Read more.
  • TEDAI: Development of a reliable, cooperative robot - a mobile robot with a tethered drone - to partially automate stock counting in high storage units. Read more about TEDAI