Robot technology news, video cases and projects - Cases

Henrik  Jacobsen

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Robot technology news, video cases and projects - Cases

DTI's most important task is to ensure that new knowledge and technology is quickly converted into value for our customers in the shape of new or enhanced products, materials, processes, methods and organizational structures.

You can get a taste of our work within the field of robot technology in the videos below.

Kongskilde had to get started with automation - but where to begin?

What do you do when you have a production with over 30,000 item numbers, many manual processes, and you just want to stay on Danish soil? Automation was the answer for Kongskilde Industries in Sorø. But where should they start?

New robot system extracts dangerous and valuable items from waste using artificial intelligence

A newly developed robot system protects both employees and the environment when batteries and electronic waste are to be sorted. Watch video or read more here.

Robot inspects airport fences on 5G network

Lorenz Technology, DTI, TDC and Hans Christian Andersen Airport have worked together to investigate the possibility of detecting and analysing conditions of barbed wire fences using 5G and deep learning methods. Watch video or read more here.

Friction factory got their wishes fulfilled: Braked automation process became possible

In a MADE demonstration project, DTI and DanRobotics helped the company SBS Friction to automate an almost impossible process. Watch video or read more here.

Cobot Lift gains control of robot safety

With the help of DTI and the European project COVR, the company Cobot Lift has gained control of safety requirements and standards in the development of its vacuum lifting robot arm. Watch video or read more here.


Find more video cases on our YouTube channel