Production and Materials HUB
European companies, especially SMEs, are constantly facing technological challenges in order to stay competitive in the market. Technology-driven innovation is becoming more complex and interdisciplinary, and therefore, the companies have an ever-increasing need for access to not only advanced test and demonstration facilities, but also to leading competences and knowledge, wherever it is found in Europe.
This Production and Material HUB (PM-HUB) is a Danish initiative, initiated by Danish Technological Institute, and aims at providing companies an easier access to experts at RTOs and universities. The initiative is supported by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science through a performance contract.
The functionality of the PM-HUB
The purpose of the PM-HUB is to give the industry easy access to experts that can engage in and solve specific production- and material-related challenges. The basic concept is to associate experts with the PM-HUB, which can efficiently respond to the company requests for new technical solutions.
Each participating RTO or University will act as an entry point for the local companies and will together with the companies mail a request for a problem solution to the experts associated to the PM-HUB. Among the responding experts, the company then chooses a specialist to solve their problem. A key issue for the PM-HUB is to have an extensive and updated list of experts (profile and email), and a clear operative guideline for handling the requests.
The PM-HUB will be working in a three-step model for matching companies with relevant experts among the European RTOs and universities
Step 1: A company will approach an RTO/university with a problem and the RTO/university will help the company formulating a request for solution.
Step 2: The request for solution will be mailed to the RTOs/universities capable of solving the specific problem.
Step 3: When identified, an expert will provide a solution to the company, if needed, with assistance from the local RTO/university.
A win-win benefit
There is an obvious benefit for the companies as they will have easier access to experts and hereby to technical problem-solution skills and also a clear benefit for the RTO/universities as they can expect increasing commercial activities as well as access to interesting partners and R&D possibilities.
Current status
At present, several RTOs are committed to the PM-HUB, e.g. VTT (Fin), more Fraunhofer Institutes (D), AIMPLAS (Es), AIN (Es), TWI (UK), LEITAT (Es), Danish Technological Institute (DK).
By joining the PM-HUB, the RTO/Universities commit themselves to provide updated contact information and to use the mailing list for distributing technical problems related to material and production that have been presented by companies.
Legal issues
The requests for technical assistance that are distributed via the PM-HUB mailing list should be formulated and accepted by the involved company. When there is a match between a company and a problem-solving RTO/university, all legal matters (confidentiality, IPR, commercial matters, etc.) will be solved bilaterally between the company and the involved RTO/university.
For further questions do not hesitate to contact Senior specialist Henrik Horup Reitz, Danish Technological Institute on hre@dti.dk or on phone +45 7220 1548.