Product leaflets and case stories - DMRI

Lars Jacob Lindblad Kristensen

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Plant contruction af slaugtherhouse

Product leaflets and case stories - DMRI

Process & Plant Design by DMRI

We take basis in your production of products since the products are where you create your profit. We ensure that you get what you need to maximize the profitability of your enterprise. And we are not shy of challenging your business plan to improve it.

When designing plants and processes, we oblige to add value to your products. The design must support good animal welfare, hygiene criteria’s, efficient logistics, and appropriate chilling processes. Correct design of live animal facilities and carcass chilling process can increase yield and quality, adding more than 3 % sellable value per carcass. Care must be taken in every step, to avoid down grade and loss of value of your products.

Please read DMRI E-QCT - Pig carcass chilling leaflet

Product leaflet


Case stories in English





Case stories in Spanish