Printed electronics facilities - See what we offer

Zachary J. Davis

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To mænd i forgrunden i laboratorie med printere

Printed electronics facilities - See what we offer

At the Danish Technological Institute, our department for Printed Electronics has facilities and infrastructure across the entire value chain - from raw materials to full-scale prototyping, both at the development and pilot scale levels.

Through collaboration with the Danish Technological Institute, you can gain access to our trained experts or, in some cases, access our training program directly. A full list of facilities and equipment can be found on our website.

  • Sustainable and functional materials laboratory
  • Printing and prototyping laboratory
  • Laser micromachining laboratory
  • Testing and validation laboratory


Explore Our Laboratories with Our Virtual 360-Degree Tour

We invite you to explore six of our laboratories through our virtual 360-degree tour. This interactive experience allows you to conveniently view our facilities from your device.The virtual tour provides an informative glimpse into our well-equipped laboratories and workspaces. 

Below you can see 6 of our labs in our virtuel 360-graders rundvisning i vores laboratorier

Mand arbejder med printet elektronik