Printed electronics facilities - Laser cutting in plastic materials
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At Danish Technological Institute, we have three kinds of lasers at our disposal, optimized for micromachining. Our equipment can handle very thin materials, such as polymers foils, without causing thermal damage to your product, and very precise and uniform holes and patterns can be produced.
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If your plastic product needs well defined holes or patterns, laser cutting and micromachining might be the right tool for you. Danish Technological Institute can offer you expertise in laser machining services, available for both R&D tasks, as pilot production development and as a long term production partner.
Our state-of-the-art laser laboratory is equipped with a CO2 laser, a femtosecond laser and an Excimer laser. Special methods can be utilized to prevent thermal damage to your product, and we can ensure long-term consistensy in processing quality.
What can DTI assist you with??
Our specialty in laser structuring is plastic products thinner than a millimeter. The laser cutting process is optimized to your product and your needs, and we are specialized in cutting well defined holes with a diameter of between 5-500 micrometers.
- Laser cutting of holes and patterns by your own design or specification
- Functional surface structuring by laser micromachining - visual effects or increased/decreased surface friction or wettability
- Materials can be polymers such as PET foil, teflon, kapton and rubber, but also ceramic, steel and glass
- Wafer dicing of IC chips as a flexible alternative for thin wafers, irregular shapes, and water-sensitive designs
- Available for R&D projects as well as smaller and larger production quantities - also as a long term partner
Short delivery time and documented quality control
We pride ourselves with the high quality of our services and solve tasks for e.g. the pharmaceutical industry. When you collaborate with us you are guaranteed a validated process and high quality set-up. We offer short delivery times and offer in-house quality control according to your requirements.
Contact us
Contact Nina Ritter Nielsen if you would like to know more about our services within laser cutting of materials - plastic as well as other materials. You can reach Nina at +45 7220 1361 or nrn@dti.dk