Pork Quality & Shelf Life - Pork Quality
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Pork Quality - Improved profit through optimized quality
The quality of your products is crucial to the price at which you can sell them, and thus, your profit. This applies both in the domestic market and particularly in export markets. By conducting a systematic investigation of your current production, DMRI will identify where the primary causes of quality problems lie. We will clarify what is needed to improve the quality and develop business cases for each improvement proposal, and subsequently take leadership in implementing them at your plant. We always identify where the problems lie, how to solve them and we are typically able to improve our customers’ profits by 0.5 to 1.2 EUR per pig.
Improved Profit through Optimized Quality
Our approach affects many areas – and we have seen earnings up to EUR 1.20/pig
- Pork Quality offers a quantification of your economic potential by improving meat quality of specific cuts.
- We help you realize the potential, regardless of whether the cuts are targeted at your home market or your export markets.
- We will implement quality assurance tools for ongoing follow-up and correction of irregularities to maintain and increase your profit.
Our approach to your improved profit
Our methodology and work plan for the Pork Quality is as follows:
In PHASE 1 we will analyse your production chain with focus on how final meat quality is affected. This includes:
- Animal handling from reception of live animals until stunning.
- Stunning & slaughter processes until start chilling
- Chilling process and equalisation until start boning.
- Meat quality defects, e.g. PSE, bruises, colour and more
The data and observations from the entire production chain will be benchmarked to best practice and related to the meat quality, the quantified quality defects, and the extent of downgrading of specific cuts.
Based on this, business cases will be worked out and potential profit estimated, and a decision basis will be prepared with a description of projects that will require capital investments and projects that don’t require investment.
In PHASE 2, one or more projects are initiated following the decisions you make based on the Decision Basis. Process & Plant Design projects are typically long-term and can e.g., be renovation or construction of a new lairage, new stunning process or chilling facilities. Operation Improvement projects are typically of shorter duration and can e.g., be training of operators in correct animal handling, adjustment of workflow and equipment, and possibly minor adaptations of driveways and equipment.