Polymer processing
Reach new customers and explore new markets in partnership with the Danish Technological Institute. We can pave the way to new sales and development opportunities.
The Danish Technological Institute (DTI) offers you the opportunity to reach new customers by demonstrating your equipment at our facilities. DTI works with over 10,000 Danish and International customers from many industries each year.
Through the Centre for Plastics and Packaging Technology, it is possible to get in contact with a large segment from the plastics industry. The centre can demonstrate your equipment or machinery through its daily work with customers and partners. Your equipment could get to play an important part in our dissemination work (e.g. through scientific papers). This will promote your equipment for use in state of the art applications and introduce it to our partners. Many of these partners use our courses as a way of learning about the latest equipment and developments within the plastics field.
The researchers and engineers employed at DTI take regular part in the development of products and materials. The Centre for Plastics and Packaging Technology is continually expanding its facilities for processing and pilot-scale production. This allows the centre to demonstrate materials processing and component production to our partners. These include large companies striving to be on the forefront of production technology and small companies that, with some help from our experts, can increase production by applying cutting edge technology. The Centre for Plastics and Packaging Technology works with a wide range of R&D projects and provides consultancy, testing, and industrial education courses for personnel from within the plastics, composites, medico technology, powders, and energy technology industries.