Ploidy analyses (flow cytometry and chromosome counting)

Anna-Catharina  Röper

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Ploidy analyses (flow cytometry and chromosome counting)

Ploidy levels gives the number of sets of chromosomes in a cell. Information about the number of sets and the number of chromosomes is very important for the area of plant breeding. It is especially relevant for intergeneric and specific crosses. Differences in ploidy level and number of chromosomes can result in difficulties in crossing plants to get new hybrids with favourite traits, e.g. strong growth, poor seed set and sterile plants. The awareness of the ploidy level is therefore very important to know, because it can explain why certain cross combinations do not succeed and can support the right selection of plant material.

At Danish Technological Institute we can explore the number of chromosomes and measure ploidy level via a flow cytometer.

How can Danish Technological Institute help you?

  • Overview of plant species where the ploidy level and / or chromosome number is known
  • Analysis of ploidy level via flow cytometry
  • Chromosome number identification