Plastic Detection - Two Side Waterfall Inspection

Niels Toftelund Madsen

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DynaCQ two side waterfall 2023

Plastic Detection - Two Side Waterfall Inspection

Increase the product surface area screened for plastic with the two camera solution, which measures both the product top side and behind the waterfall, as the product stream passes between two belts in a waterfall process.

DynaCQ ensures fully automatic detection of foreign objects in both minced meat and trimmings, enabling food manufacturers to avoid recall costs and product waste.

The fully automatic flexible detection platform can be configured and integrated into a number of conveyor based applications for various meat products.


Product leaflet





DynaCQ detects plastic in food products with high sensitivity at high speed


Press releases:

14. February 2018: Award winner detects plastic in meat products with high sensitivity at high speed

24. April 2017: New solution ensures food manufacturers minced meat and trimmings without foreign objects