PED and Pressure Equipment - Installation control

Maja Rose Wieland

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PED and Pressure Equipment - Installation control

Installation control of pressure equipment

- According to the Danish Working Environment Authority's executive order no. 100 of January 31st, 2007.

When pressure equipment with an operating pressure of more than 0.5 bar is set up for use in Denmark, it is covered by the Danish Working Environment Authority's executive order no. 100 of 31 January 2007.

This applies to both new equipment that is CE marked and certified according to PED, as well as old equipment - whether it is CE marked or certified in accordance with Executive Order no. 99.

When reviewed, the equipment is divided into control classes A, B and C depending on how it is classified according to PED. Based on these control classes, the requirements for the equipment are determined.

  • Control class A = category IV in PED
  • Control class B = category III in PED
  • Control class C = all of which is not in category III or IV

Installation control of pressure equipment must be approved with the involvement of a notified body.

How can the Danish Technological Institute help you?

We are accredited by DANAK and designated as notified body no. 0396 within the Danish Working Environment Authority's executive order no. 100.

After approval according to executive order no. 100, equipment in the inspection classes A and B must undergo periodic inspections to ensure that the equipment continues to function safely, that wear and tear is under control, and that the safety components are checked and replaced if necessary.

After conducting the installation inspection, the Danish Technological Institute attaches a sticker documenting that the equipment has been approved - and a date for the next periodic inspection.