Organizational development

Annemarie  Holsbo

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Organisations- og ledelsesudvikling

Organizational development

Organizational development is about improving efficiency, satisfaction and adaptability at the work place. We can help you create measurable results by means of creative as well as more conventional methods. In order to achieve lasting improvements,
we often combine experience-oriented learning situations with other tools.
Our services will always be adjusted to your specific situation.

How can Danish Technological Institute help you?

  • Completion of work space design projects at workplaces
  • Implementation of job swap processes
  • Coaching of employees and managers
  • Implementation of Lean processes within public and private service fields
  • Implementation of change management in relation to changed task organisation and autonomous groups, e.g. by means of the photo safari method
  • Identification and development of diversity management, e.g. by means of the diversity game
  • Scenario processes and future workshops
  • Establishment of balance at the workplace using the work life balance dialogue tool
  • Through optimisation of interplay between new technologies and task organisation, e.g. by means of application scenarios.
