
Peter  Sommer-Larsen

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HTPP - Nanokompositter


Nanoparticles can transform the properties of your plastics material. Explore the advantages of nanotechnology with the Danish Technological Institute.

Nano-reinforced plastics are taking over areas where conventional plastics cannot be used. These materials have particularly good creep, fatigue and lifetime properties. Small amounts of a nanofiller, such as nanoclay or carbon nanotubes, can significantly improve the properties of conventional plastic materials.

The Centre for Plastics Technology can help upgrade your plastic material to a very high quality nanocomposite. We possess in-house pilot production facilities allowing customers to develop and test new materials without having to invest in expensive equipment. Our experts have developed nanocomposites in cooperation with industrial partners e.g. using their materials and masterbatches. We can compound and analyse new composite materials to ensure that partners get the best result. We have a wide range of state of the art facilities enabling us to deliver new composites within a relatively short period of time.

Our experience with nanotechnology has been gained in part from our participation in a number of EU-funded projects. Our work within the automotive industry has resulted in nano-reinforced plastic components that that are now being considered as a replacement for heavier metal components.

How can the Danish Technological Institute help you?

  • Weoffer a unique combination of development, production and laboratory testing
  • We produce raw materials and injection moulded plastic parts at the pilot scale
  • We use in-house knowledge and equipment to develop high-quality nano composites
  • We can ensure correct dispersion in twin screw extruders
  • We compound raw material up to 1,000 kg and injection moulds pilot production series up to 10,000 pieces
  • We supply ten kg of raw material per week, once material and mixing ratios have been established