Industry 4.0 – automation and robotics

Jan  Overgaard

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Teknologier som sensorer, maskine-til-maskine-kommunikation, dataanalyse og robotteknologi, og de muligheder de skaber for produktionsvirksomheder, kaldes tilsammen Industri 4.0

Industry 4.0 – automation and robotics

Industry 4.0 will bring about radical changes in the ways businesses – even SMEs – manufacture their products. Case in point, despite being a small country and having a business population dominated by small SMEs, Denmark is the fifth most automated country in the world according to IFR - the International Federation of Robotics (1).

As the largest hub in northern Europe of expert knowledge within automation and robotics, our Centre for Robot Technology develops and disseminates new robotics and automation solutions for manufacturing in collaboration with more than 1000 businesses every year.

Unique digital business transformation expertise
But Industry 4.0 is not just about technology – to achieve success, business perspectives and organisational perspectives must be addressed and integrated. Uniquely, we combine world-class technological expertise and experience with a strong focus on digital business models, digital business transformation and effective business implementation of technologies to ensure that businesses derive real value and transformative power from robot and automation technology.

Key services for businesses include:

  • performing Digital Challenges & Potentials Check-Up
  • defining Digital Strategy & Roadmap
  • developing Digital Business Models
  • facilitating Digital Services Development
  • remodeling Digital Processes
  • introducing holistic Digital Transformation Framework

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