Hands-on Employee / User-driven Innovation

Troels Behrenthz Andersen

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Involvement of employees and other relevant users is a set of methodologies closely related to the engaging methods of community-based innovation. The method can facilitate either new products, new services or new methods for an organization.

Hands-on Employee / User-driven Innovation

Involvement of employees and other relevant users is a set of methodologies closely related to the engaging methods of community-based innovation. The distinct difference lies in the tacit, hands-on processes, which may contribute invaluably to novel solutions or modification of existing solutions for an organization. The methodologies utilized here facilitate either new products, new services, or new methods for an organization.

The Inventor Advisory Service at the DTI continually encounter employees and private persons passionate about a given idea. Motivating and equipping these people to further develop their concept sometimes require permission from employers. That process has proven quite valuable in understanding the dynamics, triggers, and motivators of employee-driven innovation.

For the sake of facilitating innovation processes, the following steps may be included in an employee-driven innovation endeavor:

  • SWOT-analysis
  • Trend analysis
  • Photo journals
  • User journeys
  • Service blueprint
  • Priority matrix