Funding for development with 3D printing - The project process

Ellen M. J. Hedegaard

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Funding for development with 3D printing - The project process

Even when the project is secured, there are still a number of formal requirements that must be met - and it must all be reported to the funding body. Furthermore, rapid technical development depends on effective communication between all partners.

If your company wants to be able to focus on the purely technical development work, we are happy to help ensure that all deadlines and all formal requirements from the funding body are met.

We can also help ensure that the project runs smoothly, e.g. by facilitating communication between the (very) different professional areas that the various project partners can represent. We can also help with communication - both to the general public and to relevant stakeholders - and to set up an effective structure for ongoing project meetings and be responsible for executing these.

Current and previous projects

Within Industrial 3D printing at the Danish Technological Institute, we have many years of experience in running and participating in both Danish and international projects. It is this experience that your idea and project can benefit from by collaborating with us.

A Grand Solutions Project with a total budget of DKK 88 million. The aim is to ensure that Danish industrial companies receive the necessary knowledge to exploit the great potential of 3D print production of metal parts

A 3-year EUDP project that - based on a number of business cases - will create more energy-efficient products for Danish industry using thermal topology optimization

With the participation of 21 European technology organizations, this EU project brings together knowledge of the entire production chain for Additive Manufacturing - for the benefit of SMEs.