Food and non-food sensory analyses
Danish Technological Institute applies sensory analyses to quantify attributes and utility of food and non-food products. Danish Technological Institute applies professional sensory panels and work in full-scale sensory laboratories. The results can be used for official documentation purposes. Methods and preparation facilities meet international standards and the laboratory is accredited by DANAK.
What can we do for you?
Descriptive analyses
- Sensory profiling (appearance, smell, taste, mouthfeel and sound)
- Off-notes and taste related issues
- Haptics (tactile) and perception of surfaces
- Combination of sensory properties with instrumental physical, chemical and visual analyses
- Mapping of market taste dimensions
- Product optimisation of taste and utility
Discrimination testing and approvals
- Testing difference of specific sensory attributes
- Standardised tests for packaging and utensil off-notes
Courses and sensory in enterprises
- Project management of product development
- Recruitment and training of sensory panels
- Implementation of sensory methodology and panels in companies
- Cross-cultural studies and export-based product adaption
- Represented at most sensory-related international conferences
- Partner of the European Sensory Network
Facts about sensory analyses at Danish Technological Institute:
- Tests according to ISO standards and international standards
- Conventional sensory profiling, QDA, Free-Choice Profile
- Discrimination testing, Triangular test, duo-trio-test, pairwise test etc.
- Descriptive rapid approaches, Napping, Projective Mapping, Flash Profile, Sorting etc.