Final Animal Welfare

Dorte Lene Schrøder-Petersen

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Welfare and Quality Check

Final Animal Welfare

DMRI has comprehensive knowledge and many years of experience in all of these matters.
We provide operator training and have developed a web-based audit system for the continuous monitoring of animal welfare and derived meat quality.



Why should you invest in animal welfare on the day of slaughter?

  • It is important to meet the demands from your stakeholders
  • Good animal welfare reduces meat quality issues and trimming
  • Improving animal welfare means improving the sustainability of your business


We have solutions for improving and documenting animal welfare on the day of slaughter:

  • The Welfare and Quality Check (WQC) for uncovering potential focus areas related to animal welfare with recommendations for subsequent improvements
  • The WQC app – a tool for efficient auditing and comprehensive monitoring of animal welfare over a period of time
  • Education of staff to ensure that livestock are handled in such a manner that encourages a good flow and minimal stress for the animals

Improve animal welfare, improve meat quality, and increase your profit

Animal Welfare at slaughter


Klaaborg, J., Bonnichsen, R. (2020) Meatingpoint Magazine, issue 34, side 30