FAQ - Questions and answers

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FAQ - Questions and answers

Updated March 2nd 2022 

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions. 

FAQ in generel regarding courses

Is it possible for me to attend the course?
It is possible to attend the course if it is marked with a light or dark green square. A full course is marked with a red square next to the dates. See example below.

You are more that welcome to contacts us in the event of a full course. You can read more under the topic: ”Can I be placed on the waiting list for a course that is full?” .

Are there any other dates for the course?
By clicking the link “Show all dates” you can view all scheduled dates for the course. (see example above).

Can I be placed on the waiting list for a course that is full?
We will happily place you on the waiting list for a full course. However, we cannot guarantee your participation as there may be other participants ahead of you on the list.

If you wish to be placed on the waiting list for a full course, please send us an e-mail at kurser@teknologisk.dk with the following personal information:
  • Name of the course
  • The date you wish to participate
  • Your full name
  • Your e-mail address
  • Your phone number
  • Confirmation that you wish to be placed on a waiting list
How many participants are on a course?
We cannot disclose the number of participants as the number may change from day to day. You may contact us by phone on 7220 3000 for further information.

How many participants are able to attend the course??
The number of course participants vary and is determined on the basis of an assessment of meaningful learning.

How do I know if the course will be held?
If the course is indicated with a warranty (a dark green square – see example under the topic “Is it possible for me to attend the course?”) then you are guaranteed that the course will be held.

If you sign up for a course marked by a light green square (See example under the topic “Is it possible for me to attend the course?”) it is still possible to attend the course. You can keep an eye out for whether the course will be marked with a warranty on the course page. Otherwise, you will receive a final notice of this two weeks before the start of the course.

When will I receive information about the course I signed up for?
You will receive a receipt immediately after signing up which means your application has been sent to us. We are now processing your application and within 24 hours (on weekdays) you will receive a final confirmation of your application. About two weeks before the course is held you will receive an e-mail containing practical information about the course. If you do not receive these e-mails we ask that you contact us by phone on 7220 3000 or by e-mail at kurser@teknologisk.dk.

I am unemployed – can I participate on courses?
If you are unemployed you must clarify with your job center to see if you can be approved for our courses as part of your 6 week job training.

NB: Vi tilbyder kurser inden for Prince2 – målrettet ledige. Du kan se hvilke kurser det drejer sig om, og hvordan du tilmelder dig kurserne på følgende link: Læs mere om Prince2 kurser for ledige

Are your courses on the ’Positive list’/’Positivlisten’?
No, our courses and programs are not covered by the ‘Positive List’/’Positivlisten’.

If you find a course you would like to participate on, you can speak with your job center and have clarified whether they will approve the course or not.

Is food and drink included in the price?
Yes, on our full day courses and programs, food and drink is included in the price. That includes breakfast, lunch, afternoon cake and beverage (coffee, tea, soft drinks) ad libitum as well as refreshments during breaks.

Is accommodation included in the price?
Accommodation is generally not included in the price. Some of our courses may have accommodation included on some modules. If so it will be clearly stated under the topic “Form” on the course page.

When is the billing/payment?
When you use credit card on the website, the amount will be deducted from your account in the same month as the course is held. We will send an invoice in connection with the course being held. You can ask for an invoice immediately. The invoice is sent independently of the confirmation and in the month the course is to take place.

Can I receive the invoice immediately?
Yes, you can. When signing up, go to “3. Payment” and indicate in the comment box that you would like to receive the invoice immediately.

Can I cancel my order?
The following conditions apply for cancellation: https://www.dti.dk/specialists/terms-and-conditions/37503

Please note that terms and conditions also apply to cancelation due to illness.

How do Danish Technological Institute handle COVID-19?
The Danish Technological Institute follows the authorities' guidelines, and we keep up to date with any changes.

It is of course always in our interest to give you, as a course participant, the best course experience possible. Therefore, we maintain some of the previous initiatives for our attendance courses.

This means, among other things, that the classroom is adapted to the number of course participants, that there is access to hand sanitizer in all rooms and in the break areas, and that we pay extra attention to cleaning.

What should I do if I feel ill or have symptoms of illness?
If you are ill or have symptoms of illness, do not attend the course. Please contact us at +45 72 20 30 00

Do you provide online and virtual courses?
Yes, have a wide range of distance learning with more than 200 online courses.

What should I do if I have other questions?
If you do not find the answer to your question on this page, you are more than welcome to contact us by phone +45 72 20 30 00 or kurser@teknologisk.dk