Environmental Technology for Agriculture - Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture
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Danish Technological Institute provides documentation and counseling about technology for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and food production.
The agricultural sector contributes significantly to the total greenhouse gas emission and, therefore, global climate change. To reduce emissions there is a need for quantifying emissions from different sources. Danish Technological Institute can assist with and provide counseling about technologies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and provide the necessary documentation from agriculture and food production.
The agricultural sector needs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Denmark expects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70% in 2030 and to be CO2 neutral in 2050. For the EU, the total greenhouse gas reduction target is 40% in 2030. This means that Denmark must speed up the green transition especially in the agricultural sector where a large potential for reduction exists.
The 70% greenhouse gas reduction target by 2030 was implemented as a law in Denmark. To reach this goal, agriculture will need to reduce emissions, and this involves the development and documentation of effective greenhouse gas mitigation technologies.
How can Danish Technological Institute help you?
- Provide counseling with the development of greenhouse gas mitigation technologies
- Measurements and documentation of new greenhouse gas mitigation technologies
- Counseling about the level of documentation needed for different authorities
- Estimation of climate footprint of processes and technologies
- Counseling about project generation and fundraising