Entreprenurial Advisory Service

Rune  Rex

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Entreprenurial Advisory Service

Danish Technological Institute provides you with the opportunity to develop your startup and product in a tailored program based on the challenges you face. The program can include both technical guidance and business development, such as uncovering technical functionality, requirements, and more, or groundwork for larger investigations.

At the Technical Institute, we have experience in many areas, and we utilize all of our professional centers to help you move forward.

Download the following application form and send it to rrx@teknologisk.dk. Afterwards we will contact you within 5 days, potentially with an invitation for an initial meeting. 

In the FAQ below, you can find answers to most questions about our startup program.

Who can apply?

All entrepreneurs who have a company with fewer than 20 employees and started less than five years ago. There is a greater chance of getting the green light to start a program with us if you have proof-of-idea and a product and/or service with one or more well-defined technical and/or business-related issues.

How much guidance will we receive?

If you are approved to receive guidance, we will schedule an initial process meeting, where we collaboratively will map out your current situation, and where we expect to get you in the tailored program. We have found that some startups have benefited from attending a business development session with us, while others may benefit from 10 sessions with a parallel technical program in one of the other 40+ professional centers at the Danish Technological Institute. The amount of sparing we can offer depends on your needs and the match between your challenges and our professional centers. We have chosen to make the program flexible in order to optimize the value for you as entrepreneurs, and so we can use our resources on those who are most engaged. The guidance is provided according to the principle of help-to-self-help, so you will also have to roll up your sleeves.

What does a typical program look like?

After the first meeting, we will initiate both the business and technical validation work. For example, if we need to test user/market insights, there may be a joint process where we together identify the test design and from here, both we and you may conduct interviews or provide prototype feedback. Regarding technical validation, we could facilitate the first meeting with another professional center here at the Danish Technical Institute and then, depending on the product, we will agree on purpose and outcome, to achieve technical validation.

What's in it for you?

In addition to guidance on technology and business development, a program with us can lay the groundwork for future collaboration between you and the Danish Technological Institute, where additional funding can be sought for further technical development. Over the past two years, Entrepreneurial Advisory Service has led to participating companies developing their prototypes or products, gaining important market insights through our market research, or validating their solutions.

In terms of sustainability, we have provided guidance, testing and development, as well as facilitated entrepreneurs in sustainable communication and use of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Overall, Entrepreneurial Advisory Service offers an entry point to the Danish Technological Institute, after which we find the specialist(s) at the Institute who can provide the right expertise for the specific help or guidance.

What do we expect from you as entrepreneurs?

If you participate in our entrepreneurial program, we expect you to:
  • Be ready to change reevaluate your approach and company
  • Be open to recieving feedback
  • Work independently on your company
  • Approach us with mutual respect
  • Have an ambition for sustainability

What can you expect from us?

If you participate in our entrepreneurial program, you can expect that we will:
  • Utilize our 42 specialized technical centers and their experts
  • Contribute knowledge that can help your company
  • Provide technical sparing and validation
  • Take your development seriously
  • Approach you with engagement, professionalism, and technical integrity

If you are interested in learning more about Entrepreneurial Advisory Service, please contact Rune Rex at +45 72201153 or send an email to rrx@teknologisk.dk.

The program is sponsered by Otto Bruuns Fond and Nordeas Iværksætterfond and is therefore free to participate in.