Energy Optimisation

Niels  Conradsen

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Energy Survey

Energy Optimisation

Rising energy costs and development of the climate crisis make energy efficiency a major factor in all productions.

Many food producers can save money by recovering surplus heat. Your production can most likely benefit from our consultancy based on extensive experience from working with thermal processes in the food industry as our team of experienced process engineers can provide service to achieve success.

DMRI enables your operation to reduce carbon emissions and increase profitability when undertaking new energy projects.

Our service is usually structured as follows:

  • Energy and water mapping survey
  • Project proposals and investment calculations
  • Consultancy and QA during detailed design phase

The current increase in energy costs leads to shorter pay-back times than ever before.

Plan of Energy Survey

Project example

One recent (2021) project example of a lucrative project was for a client in Mexico who had a small slaughterhouse with a production of approx. 15,000 pigs/week.

DMRI first mapped the heat and water consumption and then proposed to cover part of this with heat reclaim systems that will yield an annually natural gas saving of approx.: 255,000 m3 gas

Equal to savings of: 77,000 USD

Equal to a reduction in emissions of: 411 tons CO2

Return on investment: 2 years

The system was designed with a hot water buffer tank of an adequate size taking the consumption pattern into account thus minimising investment costs resulting in a simple return on investment of 2 years.

Reach out

We would be happy to pay your production a visit to determine the project scope and identify potential opportunities for project collaboration with bottom line impact.