Courses in animal welfare

Dorte Lene Schrøder-Petersen

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Kursus - DMRI

Courses in animal welfare

Teaching is part of DMRI's DNA. Over the years, DMRI has tailored and adapted courses for different companies. Currently we offer a range of courses and services.

Competence courses in livestock handling

The competence courses in livestock handling (pig, cattle, poultry, small ruminants) are mandatory in relation to Council regulation (EC) no 1099/2009 of 24 September 2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing. The courses describe current legislation, animal behaviour, handling from reception to killing, requirements for layout, as well as handling of sick and injured animals.

List of competence cources (in Danish)

Training seminars in livestock handling

Training seminars for animal welfare officers and operators working at the slaughterhouse. The course describes best practice for handling livestock from arrival to killing, requirements for layout, self-audit as well as handling of sick and injured animals. Can be conducted online.

Batchwise transport and slaughter

DMRI has developed a system to replace tattooing of pigs while still ensuring traceability to the farm, which consists of specific procedures and IT equipment. The operators of the slaughterhouse are particularly important in the batchwise transport and slaughter system. DMRI offers optimized teaching to help increase safety in connection with registration of unmarked pigs.

Tailored courses

DMRI can also tailor courses in animal welfare, behaviour, handling, legislation and feed for you and your employees, so you are up to date on the most recent knowledge.