Courses and webinars - Biofermentation

Anders Højmose Thrane

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To medarbjedere trykker på skærm biofermentering

Courses and webinars - Biofermentation

At Danish Technological Institute, we offer ongoing courses and webinars which focuses on fermentation and other areas within Biosolutions. You can see which ones on this page.

Opening of our new Biosolutions Technology Center

We invite you to the opening of our new Biosolutions Technology Center on March 7, 2024, from 10-12.

This is an opportunity to come and see our new equipment and center, where we offer laboratory and pilot testing within:

  • Biorefining
  • Biofermentation (including downstream)
  • Biomass
  • Testing related to microalgae

On the day, you will also gain insight into how we professionally work with data from testing.

Juan Farré, CEO at Danish Technological Institute, and Lars Visbech Sørensen, the Director of Food & Biocluster, will cut the ribbon at 10:15.

Further program details will follow.

The opening will be held as a reception/open house and is aimed at business actors and partners within biosolutions.

If you are a student, we will organize other events that you can sign up for by contacting consultant Anders Højmose Thrane.