Cobot Lab

Søren Peter Johansen

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Cobot Lab

Your springboard to success with collaborative robots

At the Danish Technological Institute's Cobot Lab in Odense, you get access to the latest technology within collaborative robots (cobots) – including robots, grippers, sensors, cameras and safety components.

We help your company test, develop and implement cobots in a successful and safe way.

What can DTI help you with?

  • Overview of the latest cobot solutions on the market
  • Test your idea before investing
  • Insight into which processes are suitable for cobots
  • Learn to program cobots
  • Understanding risk assessment for cobot solutions
  • Safety test your cobot, where we mechanically test the forces in collisions between robot and human

Our tailored course identifies your automation potential and helps your company to the next level.

With a strong international network and affiliation with the European EDOcobot initiative, we at DTI are ready to help you make your company more efficient and competitive.

Case: »Here was someone who could help us find the right solutions«

The company Black Iron Horse searched in vain for a robot that suited their production of electric cargo bikes – until they got DTI to test a possible solution in their robot laboratory. Read more »