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The Danish Technological Institute is your company’s business partner when it comes to textile technical knowledge and documentation.
DTI has a variety of technical experts who possess knowledge your company may lack, now that more and more production being outsourced. We can advise you on product development, problem solving, and help you develop requirement specifications for suppliers, and much more.
We provide high quality accredited testing, which can be used not only for quality control of sub-suppliers, but also to define the quality of your product for your customers. You can also open new lines of communication with customers using our hangtag with barcodes that provide informative videos for your customers.
We can also help to inform your customers of the quality requirements your products live up to the well-known OEKO-TEX® brand.
How can Danish Technological Institute help you?
- Advise you on technical problems for textiles
- Provide independent documentation of accredited testing
- Working out requirement specifications
- Provide consulting services and development assistance
- Clarify the causes of complaints
- Provide labelling system for additional marketing
With an outsourced production and expressed focus on design and commerce, it is difficult for the companies to maintain knowledge of textile and clothing techniques.
We are the appropriate partner to help supplement your company with textile technical knowledge and documentation.