Clothing and textile - Chemicals in Textiles
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The laws governing the use of chemicals in the textile industry (REACH) have been strengthened in recent years and there is more focus on health and environmentally hazardous chemicals in textiles.
REACH is constantly evolving, consequently causing difficulties for manufacturers and purchasers to keep up with the changes. DTI stays updated on REACH and can help you set requirements for chemicals which are allowed or prohibited from use in your products.
Chemical research and analyses can also be used to settle claims seeking damages.
In addition to REACH, there are also various voluntary labelling systems such as Flower, GOTS and OEKO-TEX®. DTI can advise you on the differences between them and assist you in obtaining any of these labels for your product.
DTI has many years of experience with chemicals in textiles. We have participated in creating criteria documentation for the EU’s Flower eco-label for textiles. We have also conducted a number of major studies for the presence of chemicals for the Danish Environmental Protection Agency and The Consumer Council.
How can Danish Technological Institute help you?
- Conduct chemical tests
- Advise on REACH, the laws governing use of chemicals in the chemical industry
- Settle claims for damages with chemical tests
- Advise on environmental and health labelling systems
- Certify products for OEKO-TEX®