Battery cell recycling

Kristian Oluf Sylvester-Hvid

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Battery cells

Battery cell recycling

Opting for battery recycling is a straightforward decision.

Battery cells comprise a mixture of valuable transition metals and essential raw critical materials (CRM) like Cobalt (Co). Deconstructing battery cells exposes electronic parts containing precious metals like gold (Au) and silver (Ag), plastic components with flame retardants, and a concentrated black mass abundant in materials like Cobalt. The intricacy of recycling these materials individually is compounded when they are part of the cell structure.

Our expertise lies in meticulous disassembly of battery cells across multiple stages, enabling us to devise optimal recycling strategies and pinpoint potential cell issues. We specialize in providing insightful consulting for cell development, geared towards creating environmentally conscious, easily recyclable end products. This dual benefit not only serves your interests but also contributes to environmental preservation, particularly by facilitating the recovery of metals from the black mass.

At the Danish Technological Institute, we demonstrate a deep understanding of cell design and offer comprehensive guidance for crafting battery cells with recyclability at the forefront. Our specialists within energy materials have extensive know-how and the necessary equipment to tackle battery cell challenges and streamline the recycling process.

Our commitment is to pave the way for a more sustainable future through effective battery cell recycling and innovative cell design consultation.

Combined analysis methods give the best results 

Collaborate with our specialists within energy materials or renewable energy systems for best possible battery stack advice.
Learn more about battery testing

Contact Product Manager, Kristian Oluf Sylvester-Hvid, at +45 72 20 21 34 / or Business Manager, Anders Christian Solberg Jensen, at +45 72 20 12 64 / to learn more about battery recycling capabilities.