Analysis and advice about stainless steel - Get help here
Special tasks require special materials. It can be anything from wishes and requirements for unique strength and wear properties, weight reduction, or operation of high temperature applications in corrosive environments.
Steel and stainless steel are the backbone of an enormous amount of equipment for e.g. the machinery industry and the food industry, and the materials are included in a significant proportion of the products exported by Danish industry. The applications are wide-ranging - from decorative surfaces in the construction sector to process equipment in the chemical or offshore industry.
Choice of alloy
Does your company need help finding the right alloy for a specific application, or do you need to assess the suitability of different alloys in relation to each other? The term stainless steel covers a wide range of alloys with widely differing mechanical and corrosion properties. Common to the alloys is that they all contain a minimum of 12% chromium, and that they are typically used when increased corrosion resistance is desired. But depending on where and how the steel is to be used, it may require special alloys with properties tailored to the company's needs - perhaps steel is not even the right solution. Choosing the wrong alloy can quickly become an expensive and cumbersome affair, which is why our specialists are ready to advise on choice of alloy for both steel and stainless steel.
Quality control and testing
If you want to be sure that the company's products live up to your own quality requirements – or those of your client - it can offer great value and security for a product to test the materials used as well as the finished product. Our accredited laboratory can help you with tests within:
- Testing of strength and hardness of materials, components, and constructions
- Measurement of chemical composition and study of microstructure
- Strength test of bolted and welded joints, and corrosion test of welded joints in stainless steel
Quality control of the materials used is relevant before a product is sent to the market, but it can also be a valuable tool if the accident should occur and you experience errors, accidents, or breakdowns.
How can the Danish Technological Institute help you?
- Advice on choice of alloy
- Test of alloy quality, strength, and hardness
- Advice on corrosion and inspections when working with steel or stainless steel.