Advanced material and catalysis development

Christoffer Mølleskov Pedersen

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Close-up of yellow powder

Advanced material and catalysis development

We specialize in offering customized solutions for the development and validation of nanomaterials and catalyst structures, including pilot production.

Our expertise spans from the development of advanced materials to integration and prototyping for the application. In prior projects we have used this expertise for catalytic converters, chemical converters, fuel cells and electrolysis.

How can the Danish Technological institute help you?

  • Bring you from idea to prototype and pilot production.
  • Identify the optimal catalytic solution for your problem or product.
  • Develop and optimize specific catalytic materials.
  • Develop and validate new catalysts.
  • Characterize and validate new nanocatalysts.

Development and synthesis of nano materials

Size matters for catalyst as the reaction happens on the surface so the smaller the catalyst particle the higher specific surface area can be achieved. Thus, it is important to synthesize the catalyst as small nanoparticles to achieve the best performance. The Danish Technological Institute has several synthesis methods for producing nanoparticles ranging from more classic batch synthesis to more advanced solvothermal synthesis. One example of this is our patented supercritical fluid flow synthesis method which can produce supported catalyst of less than 5 nm. We have experience in producing nanomaterials of oxides, transition metals and noble metals.

We are developing advanced energy systems with efficient catalysts

If you are missing the right catalyst, we can develop and validate new catalysts for your purpose, optimizing everything from support material, functionalization, metal/support ratio, metal composition, structure, and particle size.

Periodisk system

Our expertise in synthesizing metal and metal oxide nanoparticles on support particles has been used in several projects to enable new performance and functionality.

Contact Team Manager Christoffer Mølleskov if you want to know more about energy materials and their applications, tel.: +45 7220 1055 and email: